Bio.Me: Introduction

“...what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.”

Ok so I’m no Liam Nelson and I’m not going on a sleepless adventure across Europe but I will use my particular skills to do everything I can to develop programs that detect, prevent and monitor suspicious and improper activities. Essentially to promote an efficient and effective compliance program. Beyond that, my skills will also ensure the most efficient process within the frame of your resources and potential risk factors. Initially, I applied this to operational effectiveness as a project manager and quality assurance analyst. Later on, I decided to specialize in AML Compliance or Financial Crime Prevention overall. I’d love to apply these specialization in FinTech. I now consider myself a compliance project manager and regulatory compliance consultant.

Bio.Me is a self-exploration all about my skill sets, experiences, and offerings. This is a fun way for me to toot my own horn and bring more life to how my skills come together nicely in my chosen field and dedicated path for my career. This will be a means of keeping imposter syndrome at bay. I also believe that this will help to create a focus for the direction of where I would like to take my career. My vast experience, fortunately or unfortunately, makes me adept at many industries, professions and jobs. With the luxury of choice, I remain vigilant to find the perfect home for my continued development.

I want to explore the skills and traits that I am most proud of, namely

  1. Project Management and Process Improvement (Quality Assurance) 

  2. Legal Drafting and Policy Writing

  3. Risk Assessment and Risk Management

  4. Research and Interpretation

  5. Training and Development

  6. Financial Crime Compliance (AML Compliance)

  7. Attorney Status (Regulatory Compliance)

  8. My Personality

I look forward to sharing this self-exploration journey to the continuation of my career and the next chapter in my life.


The Cost of Compliance


The New Focus, Not the Only Focus