FinTech Journey Begins

So why FinTech?

I love technology, but unfortunately, I’m not skilled at programming or developing. I love tech-talk, and I completely geek out when hearing about advancing technology from friends or family. While I enjoy finance from the anti-money laundering perspective, it felt monotonous at times. The Fintech community, in contrast, has piqued my interest. The crypto, blockchain, NFT, Metaverse feels like a return to the 70s and 80s, where slangs and acronyms thrived. Maybe it’s because of the generation paving the way for Fintech. Who knows.

My journey officially shifted to FinTech in 2021 when I nervously signed up for the ACAMs scholarship for CAFCA. I was working as an intern and didn't know where my next chapter would lead, so the scholarship meant more than I expressed. Upon being told that I was one of a few winners, I immediately applied for the CAFCA exam and passed. 

Now here's the fun part how to I get involved. I mean really involved, especially now that I have a full-time job as a regulator and in a jurisdiction where FinTech exists but doesn't thrive. 


I've joined so many communities and kindly been given many suggestions, advice and feedback. It won't be easy but the amazing things in life usually are not. 

So, step one at a time, I’m currently getting my e-wallet sorted.


Data Integrity


The Cost of Compliance